Grade 3

1. What do you teach at St. Mary’s Academy?

“I am a Third Grade Teacher.”

2. What do you love about St. Mary’s Academy?

“I love the close community feel and how supportive the staff is. The class sizes are small, allowing me to have the opportunity to get to know each individual student well. I feel that we have a very caring atmosphere, and that we strive to instill the caring acts of Jesus in all that we do each day. Our main goal is to educate the students and equip them with faith based values, and I believe that we do a great job collaboratively at our school.”

3.Why do you like teaching at St. Mary’s Academy? What motivated you to become a teacher at St. Mary’s Academy?

“I really enjoy teaching at SMA because I am able to include the Catholic faith teachings into my everyday schedule. As a person who recognizes that faith is one of the most important components in my life, I am grateful to have the opportunity to share and celebrate the love that I have for God with my students and colleagues. My motivation to become a SMA teacher stemmed from my own Catholic beliefs. While I was continuing my studies in college to become a teacher, I had a desire to work in a Catholic school setting. This aspiration, I believe, was within me because I was attracted to the idea that an academic program could include a large part of my personal values. St. Mary’s’ Academy is a Catholic school which reflects who I am as a person, and it provides me with the chance to help make disciples of Jesus Christ.”

4. What is a unique experience, talent, or interest that you bring to your classroom to help shape the learning experience of your students?

“I am a teacher who believes that if you put your mind to something, then it is always possible. Each day I encourage my students to be the best that they can be and to keep a positive mind. I strive to help them see their individual gifts and talents, and praise them for being exactly who they are. Each week my students and I participate in a positive activity where they write positive messages about their classmates. I have found that the students used this activity as a way to encourage others and point out their individuality.”

5. What sets St. Mary’s Academy students apart from students in other schools?

“Since I began working at St. Mary’s Academy, I have noticed that the students are very knowledgable about who Jesus Christ is and what he truly did for each of us. Their faith awareness amazes me and they are also very quick to help and support others in all situations. I feel that their actions reflect what St. Mary’s Academy is all about, and that is to be genuine, respectful, kind, and supportive to others.”

6.What do you want your students to gain from having known you?

“I want my students to remember that doing your absolute best is what matters most. Each day, I encourage my students to be who they are and to do their personal best in all situations. With doing so, they are being what God wants them to be. I want them to know that we are not all good at everything, and that is completely fine, but that we are all gifted and talented in our own ways. ”

7. Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself? Perhaps a fun fact?

“I really enjoy playing violin and have played it for fourteen years. I have brought my musical talents to SMA by playing violin in our school Mass, as well as at the school concerts.”

Mrs. Bonoffski received her Bachelor’s degree in Childhood Education 1-6 with a concentration in Chemistry from SUNY Oswego in May 2014, followed by a Master’s degree in Literacy Education B-6 from SUNY Oswego in December 2015. She has worked with students in grades Kindergarten, Second, Third, Fourth, and Sixth. These experiences took place in urban, suburban, and rural communities.

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